How to Stay Calm During the Holidays

How to Stay Calm During the Holidays

This time of the year is supposed to be a celebration of love between family and friends. Yet, 88% of people experience elevated stress during the holiday season. Capture the spirit of the season without overloading on holiday stress. Keep calm and enjoy your holiday plans with these five tips!

5 Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

The holidays bring friends and family together. That alone can make you feel stressed! Then, there's the added of buying gifts, hosting holiday parties, and more. Don't let these holiday triggers put a damper on your mental health. Here are five easy ways for handling holiday stress.

1. Plan Accordingly

The holidays might require travel, extra time with family members, expensive credit card bills, or other unexpected twists and turns. These holiday triggers are going to require a lot of energy when they present themselves. 

Maintain mental clarity to handle your anxiety in real-time by planning ahead. Planning for the known helps you react to the unknown with a clear mindset.

Avoid shocking bills by budgeting your holiday shopping ahead of time and sticking to your list. Prepare for holiday parties by making a checklist and schedules. Figure out the best routes and times to leave to make all of your stops for holiday travels.

Think about what usually triggers you each holiday season. Then, plan for them accordingly!

2. Get Sleep

One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to get sleep. However, trouble sleeping is a common side effect of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a mental health condition that over 10 million people experience each year.

Stress triggers our fight-or-flight system by activating the hormone cortisol. When we endure long bouts of stress, we might not burn through all the cortisol. So, these anxious feelings carry over into the night.

Missing out on sleep can cause you to experience brain fog. It will cloud your judgment and cause you to manage stress poorly.

Rebalance your hormones by increasing your sleep hormone, melatonin, with Tranquility Labs’ Sleep-Fast Enhanced Melatonin Spray. This all-natural spray contains botanicals that calm the mind to promote rest. It also contains melatonin that helps regulate your sleep patterns and supports a full night's sleep.

3. Find Time Alone

Managing stress around the holidays is much easier when you carve out a little "me-time." Self-care is essential, especially when you're experiencing stress.

Remember, this is your holiday, too. So, if you feel pressured to make appearances, host parties, or spend a lot of money, it's okay to say, "no."

Also, be okay with taking breaks from gatherings. This is crucial, especially when you recognize your holiday triggers manifesting. Take a walk outside, get some fresh air, and try some deep breathing exercises.

4. Control Your Vices

The holidays are a time for celebrating, but they can also be a time of excess. Whether it's going for seconds and thirds at dinner, buying too many sales items, or consuming too much egg nog, know when to hit the stop button.

Our vices cause us to bury underlying issues we might have. These aren't healthy habits for coping with stress. Instead, they make things worse.

Not to mention, excessive eating and drinking can also cause inflammation in the body. Inflammation is physiological stress. Adding physical stress to your mental stress will only exasperate your holiday anxieties.

5. Tranquility Labs' Tranquilene

Celebrate peace on earth with peace of mind this holiday season. Tend to your mental health needs with Tranquility Labs' Tranquilene Total Calm. This all-natural supplement is fortified with botanicals, vitamins, and minerals that support GABA and serotonin production.

GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that promotes calm and reduces stress. Meanwhile, serotonin supports a healthy mood and regulates your sleep-wake cycle.

The holidays can pull us in many directions, causing us to forget to take a little time for self-care. A daily supplement is the backup your mental health needs for managing holiday stress through healthy habits.

Essential Takeaways:

  • Planning ahead and controlling excess consumption will help maintain mental clarity
  • Tend to yourself with alone time and proper sleep
  • Support yourself daily with Tranquility Labs’ Tranquilene